I found very little information on what to add exactly to the POM.xml file to start/stop Jonas with Maven and Cargo.
So here is a quick example with a basic webapp application.
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February 2011
[Tutorial] Create a PDF document with Maven and iText
Here is a quick way to start learning how to use the open-source library iText to generate PDF documents.
I start with the archetype maven-archetype-quickstart (number 101, which is the default archetype), an archetype which contains a sample Maven project.
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[Tutorial] Start and stop JBoss with the Cargo plugin.
In this video tutorial, I show how to start / stop JBoss 6 using the plugin Cargo for Maven. And to deploy an archive.
In the previous tutorial, I created and imported the project in Eclipse with the m2Eclipse plugin.
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[Tutorial] Create a Maven project and import it with m2Eclipse
In this video tutorial, I show how to create a Maven project under DOS. Then how to import it to Eclipse with m2Eclipse.
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[Tutorial] Create, compile and test a project with Maven
Here is a first video tutorial about Maven, under DOS.
First i create a project based on the maven-archetype-quickstart archetype with the following command and arguments :
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.company.celinio -DartifactId=FirstTuto -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
[Tutorial] RESTful web services with CXF
This is a short follow-up to a previous post about Web Services with CXF.
Developing RESTful web services with CXF is quite easy. Here I quickly explore 2 ways to do it.
COBOL-IT developer studio
I have not done any COBOL programming for more than 15 years. The last time was in 1995, during my studies.
We used Microfocus Visual COBOL back then, I believe.
So anyways, the other day I heard about Cobol-IT Developer Studio, a free COBOL development workshop based on Eclipse !
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[Tutorial] WSDL to Java with Apache CXF and soapUI
The WSDL2java command generates JAX-WS compliant Java code for the services that are defined in the WSDL document.
This is known as the Top-Down approach (contract first, based on an existing WSDL file).
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