February 2010
Generate a report from an SQL Server 2008 Anaysis Services OLAP cube with iReport and JasperReports
Software versions that i used :
iReport 3.6.1
JasperReports 3.7.1
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services
Tomcat Web Server 6.0
I was recently tasked to generate a report through JasperReports/iReport
with data coming from an OLAP cube stored in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services.
It was rather tricky because it seems there is no default Query Executer Factory that can handle MDX
through the XML/A protocol for SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services.
Executing MDX queries against an SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services database in Java
If you are looking for a quick way to connect to an OLAP / multidimensional database like
SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services, here is the procedure.
Be aware that you need to set up XML/A HTTP access for SQL Server Analysis in IIS first.
Basically you need to load a component that enables data exchanges between a client and SSAS.