If you are behind a corporate proxy, you might end with a connection error while running this command :
docker search jenkins
Here is how to set up Docker so that it works behind a corporate proxy:
1) Edit the Docker VM /var/lib/boot2docker/profile
$ docker-machine ssh default docker@default:~$ sudo vi /var/lib/boot2docker/profile
2) Add these lines at the end of the file :
# replace PROXY and PORT with the corporate proxy and port values export "HTTP_PROXY=http://PROXY:PORT" export "HTTPS_PROXY=http://PROXY:PORT" # add the IPs, URLs which do no need proxy export "NO_PROXY=192.168.99.*,*.local,169.254/16,*.example.com,192.168.59.*"
3) Finally, restart Docker :
sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart
4) Try again to search for the jenkins image :
docker search jenkins