First baby steps with Android OS

I do not have a phone that runs Android but i am curious about this OS created by Google. That is something possible with an emulator.
This link has a nice and quick tutorial to get started with the emulator for PC.

Press Ctrl-F11 to switch between portrait mode and landscape mode.

Also, this other tutorial explains how to install the Android Market in the emulator, so you
can install new apps or games and test them.

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Control and data flows in SSIS

I created this package while working with SSIS for the first time.
The objective of this package is to extract data from 3 flat files in .txt format and perform some controls before inserting the data into 3 tables,
one table (destination) for each file (source).
These files are Territoires.txt, Personnes.txt and Ventes.txt. The data is extracted in that order.
The tables are SimuTerritoires, SimuPersonnes and SimuVentes.
These controls aim to :
– check if the SalesQuota is null
– check if the TotalDue is empty. If so, assign the value 0
– check the  Orderdate value. If it is empty, assign the value 01/01/2001
– check the referential integrity. In the Ventes.txt file, if the Territory ID is not found in the table SimuTerritoires, then reject the row.

Inside my script component, I have a very simple method which processes every row.
The Microsoft Visual C# 2008 code for that method is :

 public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)
        if (Row.OrderDateConverti_IsNull == true)
            Row.OrderDateConverti =
            DateTime.ParseExact("01/01/2001", "MM/dd/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

The data of the files comes originally from the AdventureWorks sample database (Territories, Persons and Sales tables). You can download the package file, Simulation2.dtx, here.

Here are a few screenshots :

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My book on EJB 3 is now on sale

I received an email from the editor informing me that the book is now printed and will be available in bookstores next week (from July 5th, 2010).

It is already available for sale on Amazon and ENI.

An online version is also available.

Here is the cover of the book :
