So you coded the data layer of your application using JPA (with for instance the Hibernate implementation) and when the application reaches the staging environment, you hear it is too slow !
Too many queries, too long queries, etc.
What do you do ? You try to optimize your data layer !
One possible optimization is to batch insert/update data.
The following properties must be set in persistence.xml :
... <property name="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size" value="50" /> <property name="hibernate.order_inserts">true</property> <property name="hibernate.order_updates">true</property> ...
Now the big question is : how do i know it works ?
Checking the Hibernate logs still shows that several insert queries where generated instead of 1 (version used is hibernate-core-4.3.6.Final.jar) :
02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,190 DEBUG SQL(109) - insert into lambda (id_lambda, color, city) values (?, ?, ?) 02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,193 DEBUG AbstractBatchImpl(145) - Reusing batch statement 02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,193 DEBUG SQL(109) - insert into lambda (id_lambda, color, city) values (?, ?, ?) 02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,196 DEBUG AbstractBatchImpl(145) - Reusing batch statement 02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,196 DEBUG SQL(109) - insert into lambda (id_lambda, color, city) values (?, ?, ?) 02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,199 DEBUG AbstractBatchImpl(145) - Reusing batch statement 02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,199 DEBUG SQL(109) - insert into lambda (id_lambda, color, city) values (?, ?, ?) 02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,201 DEBUG BatchingBatch(110) - Executing batch size: 4 02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,253 DEBUG Expectations(78) - Success of batch update unknown: 0 02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,254 DEBUG Expectations(78) - Success of batch update unknown: 1 02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,254 DEBUG Expectations(78) - Success of batch update unknown: 2 02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,254 DEBUG Expectations(78) - Success of batch update unknown: 3 02 nov. 2017 19:02:42,254 DEBUG SQL(109) -
The thing to remember and keep in mind is that the Hibernate logs are one thing and what ACTUALLY happens in the database is another thing.
The postgreSQL logs (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\data\pg_log\postgresql-2017-11-06_100916.log) show a batched insert statement :
2017-11-02 19:02:42 CET LOG: execute <unnamed>: insert into lambda (id_lambda, color, city) values ($1, $2, $3),($4, $5, $6),($7, $8, $9),($10, $11, $12) 2017-11-02 19:02:42 CET DETAIL: parameters : $1 = '1', $2 = 'blue', $3 = 'Paris', $4 = '2', $5 = 'red', $6 = 'Dakar', $7 = '3', $8 = 'red', $9 = 'Lisbon', $10 = '4', $11 = 'violet', $12 = 'Helsinki'
To make it work with postgreSQL it is necessary to use the latest JDBC postgreSQL driver :
... <dependency> <groupId>org.postgresql</groupId> <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId> <version>42.1.4.jre7</version> </dependency> ...
That version of the driver supports batched insert statements through the use of the reWriteBatchedInserts property :
... <bean id="poolPostgresql" class="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.PoolProperties"> ... <property name="dbProperties"> <value>reWriteBatchedInserts=true</value> </property> </bean> ...
More info on that property here :