My book on EJB 3 is now on sale

I received an email from the editor informing me that the book is now printed and will be available in bookstores next week (from July 5th, 2010).

It is already available for sale on Amazon and ENI.

An online version is also available.

Here is the cover of the book :


No direct access for JSP under WEB-INF

I have been asked several times in the past whether files under WEB-INF can be accessed or not.
It is indeed somewhat confusing. The answer is YES and NO.

You cannot access them directly.

For instance the following URL would give a 404 error :

But you can access test.jsp indirectly.
For instance the following JSP, callTest.jsp, contains code that includes a call to the somewhat protected JSP test.jsp :

<%@ include file="WEB-INF/test.jsp" %>

The URL to call the JSP is :