I have been working with SQL Server 2008 Integration Services lately and I found a cheat sheet for SSIS that is quite helpful.
This cheat sheet is available in PDF format from PragmaticWorks at http://www.pragmaticworks.com/cheatsheet/.
I have been working with SQL Server 2008 Integration Services lately and I found a cheat sheet for SSIS that is quite helpful.
This cheat sheet is available in PDF format from PragmaticWorks at http://www.pragmaticworks.com/cheatsheet/.
This book is made of 15 chapters. One might consider that the first nine chapters (205 pages) explain what’s new with Struts 2 and that the rest of the book
is a mix of JavaScript/Ajax learning and good practices to document and test a web application.
It is based on the 2.1.6 version of Struts.
I have been asked several times in the past whether files under WEB-INF can be accessed or not.
It is indeed somewhat confusing. The answer is YES and NO.
You cannot access them directly.
For instance the following URL would give a 404 error :
But you can access test.jsp indirectly.
For instance the following JSP, callTest.jsp, contains code that includes a call to the somewhat protected JSP test.jsp :
<%@ include file="WEB-INF/test.jsp" %>
The URL to call the JSP is :
It is possible to check how a site will look like on the iPad by visiting http://www.ipadpeek.com/
By default it shows a portrait view but if you click on the upper left or right corner, you can rotate it and get a portrait view.
More interesting stats : according to BuiltWith Trends, which provides trending information, jQuery is the most detected JavaScript library in use on the web. About 30% of the top 10000 web sites use it.
You can check the stats for all JavaScript frameworks here and for jQuery specifically here.
Adobe published some stats about Flash Player, in case you did not already them :
98% of Internet connected PCs have Flash Player
75% of web video is viewed using Flash Player
98% of enterprises rely on Flash Player